Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection


Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science works as an index of citations and provides an interconnected search for research results and sources that cover Social Sciences, Science and Human Sciences. In case search results include material to which NKUA has full text access, a relevant link is provided through the Web of Science Links service.



In particular, our subscription provides access to the following indexes:


  • KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980-present), Medline (1950-present), Russian Science Citation Index (2005-present), SciELO Citation Index (1997-present), Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index Expanded / Social Sciences Citation Index / Arts & Humanities Citation Index, 1975-today), Book Citation Index (Science / Social Science & Humanities, 2005-today), Conference Proceedings Citation Index ™ (Science / Social Science & Humanities, 1990-today), Emerging Sources Citation Index (2015-today), Current Chemical Reactions (CCR, 1985-today), Preprint Citation Index (1991-present, offers almost 2 million preprints coming from such repositories as arXiv, bioRxiv, chemRxiv, medRxiv και Preprints.org, while documents from over a dozen morel repositories are expected to be added throughout  2023)


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