Current Book Collection

Our Library has a rich collection of books in both Greek and various foreign languages which mainly cover the disciplines of Health Sciences.

Books are classified and subject-indexed according to the Classification Scheme and Subject Headings of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

You can find HERE the subject categories of the books and the arrangement of the collections on the 1st floor.

To search for this material, you can use the OPAC catalog.

A constant goal of ours is to enrich the Library's collection keeping up with the current bibliography. In this effort, we invite you to submit your own suggestions regarding book titles (Greek and foreign) that you would like to be included in our collection.

Old and Rare Books Collection

Our Library holds a large collection of old and rare material consisting of books in both Greek and various foreign languages and journals. It includes the Papoulakeios collection which was formerly housed in a building at the campus of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens' School of Medicine and was among the first collections to be incorporated to the Library before its inauguration.

The material must be handled with special care, therefore photocopying is avoided. For preservation purposes we promote the digitization of the material.

Access to the collection is restricted. The Library staff will gladly assist you in searching and accessing the material.

The collection is continuously enriched through donations from academic members and individuals.