Printing - scanning - Photocopying


Printouts cost 0.10€  per page (A4).

Coloured image scanning

We can offer to our users the opportunity to download the images they need onto a CD-ROM.  The CD-ROM usually is provided by the user, but CDs are also available at the library.


The Health  Library’s photocopy machines have card-readers. Those interested may procure photocopy cards from Library personnel. The cost of purchasing a photocopy card depends on the number of photocopies the card is good for:

  • 1,00 € / 25 pages
  • 2,00 € / 50 pages
  • 4,00 € / 100 pages

Users are permitted to reproduce library material, subject to full compliance with  the legislation in force on intellectual property rights (Ν.2121/1993).